"A woman should be two things, classy and fabulous!" -Coco Chanel

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Summer's Ending...

Hey there! ;-)

I'm such a slacker with my blog, but I really am inspired to start posting more!

Today I went into Boston, and whenever I come back from the city I am inspired by all the different looks/outfits I see from everyone.  Living in a city is a lot different from the suburbs, I feel like people get a lot more creative and think outside the box a little more.  For myself, this is a work in progress...plus dressing for seasons now is a whole other game!  

There are a lot of cute boutiques and shops in Boston that I still haven't checked out, but the one store in Boston that I go into and never leave disappointed or empty handed is H&M on Newbury Street.  For some reason, this H&M is ALWAYS up to date on all the trends and has LOTS to choose from.  I've been to some H&M's in malls and its just not the same variety.  Anyway, today I found they had LOTS of fall trends, and in very reasonable prices.  I couldn't buy anything today, but I will definitely be back in the near future for some cute pieces! :)

For now I'll just leave you with my wish list for fall... 

military jacket

urban decay naked palette

thigh high boots

trench coat

skinny cargo pants


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

She's Not Broken...

...she's just a baby ;-)

I have caved to the lady gaga craze.  When I first heard "Just Dance" I loved the song, but then I saw GAGA.  And I was WAWHA?  I thought, how strange??  Why is she trying so hard to be so different???  I made fun of her costumes and presence and everything that she stood for.  However, after I saw her perform live at some award show...(can't remember which one, shoot me) and I saw her raw talent and her LIVE singing...I was blown away.  I mean, pop culture today is full of fake look-a-likes.  WHO since Britney, has been so original and so out of the box and so talented that people actually become little "monsters" for their idol?  I would say not many since the Queen, Madonna.  Anywho, she just got me thinking, I should EMBRACE myself, my hair, my body, my personality, MYSELF.  Who gives a shit if you are not like everyone??? I do not want to be like everyone else.  I want to be Charlotte Elizabeth.  And that is why I call myself one of Gaga's "monsters" because I'm allowed to be myself, and not give any apologies along the way.

This has flown over into my creative side as well.  With summer coming, I'm coming out of my winter slump and have fantastic ideas running through my head with fashion, make-up and everything in between!  I'm also moving into a new much nicer apartment...lol ;-)  This horrible made me feel-like-a- failure semester is coming to an end and I'm ready to just MOVE ON.  These past four months have not been the best...but once you reach the bottom you can only move on up, right?

So, I will be hopefully posting more entries once these stressful hectic 2 weeks pass by.  I can't wait.

Stay True,

Charlie xoxo

Wednesday, January 13, 2010