"A woman should be two things, classy and fabulous!" -Coco Chanel

Friday, September 7, 2012

Face Time!

I've been searching for a new foundation/powder for a while now.  I'm a loyal customer of the MAC Studio Fix Powder Plus Foundation, however I've been noticing a change in my skin which prompted me to hit the beauty counters again (what a drag...ha).  I'm always hesitant to try new face products because 1) I'm sensitive 2) I HATE breaking out and 3) I'm not a huge fan of returning items if they don't work for me.

MAC Studio Fix Powder
Photo Courtesy of www.nordstrom.com

The good thing is, most beauty counters will apply the foundation you are inquiring about.  My advice is to not buy right away, even if you look like you are ready to hit the red carpet.  The reason for this is because usually, your skin will not react to a product right away unless you are HIGHLY allergic to it or you have SUPER sensitive skin.  For instance, one night I tried my sister's Proactiv mask and about an hour later my face was burning and bright red....not a good look.  My advice is to wait it out, walk around a bit do some shopping and if you are feeling good after an hour, your skin is probably going to work well with that product. 

Being the beauty junkie I am, I have researched a ton of foundations lately.  I did have some requirements for my "perfect match" and they were:
1) Lightweight formula
2) No tools needed (i.e I can put it on with my fingers and it will blend accordingly)
3) Must have SPF!
The one that I have had my eye on was a Laura Mercier tinted moisturizer.  I looked into tinted moisturizers because I do not like the feeling of anything pancaked on my face, plus I don't mind a few of my freckles peeking out every now and then! ;-)  I had swatched the product on my face a couple of times at Sephora, and I didn't have any sort of reaction.  I then had a Laura Mercier rep apply the product all over my face and I fell in love.  The formula felt ultra moisturizing, and it was easy to apply with my fingertips.  (For me, I'm always running late..so this is a good thing!) The moisturizer enhanced my skin, but did not hide my skin.  It also gave me a little glow, and was easy to blend with my concealer.
Image Courtesy of www.nordstrom.com
The product comes in a sleek tube and comes in 12 different colors.  It also has SPF 20, which is very important for MANY reasons.  The product runs around $42.00 and can be found at any boutique/beauty department selling Laura Mercier.  I purchased mine at Neiman Marcus.  I bought the color "blush" which is great for me, as I have fair skin but most of the lightest colors wash me out, and the next step up is usually a bit too orange.  Blush has pink undertones which is perfect for pale girls who have a little bit of pink or redness in them.  Laura Mercier is known for having a variety of colors that fit a range of skin tones. 

If you look at the reviews for this product, it is hard to come across a bad one and now I know why.  For $42 it may be a little bit of a splurge, but face products are the one area I allow myself to indulge a little.  I mean your skin is the biggest organ on your body, it makes sense!!

What are some of your favorite foundations?

-Charlotte xoxo

P.S: If you have any requests or inquires about what you would like to see on here, leave a comment below! :)
P.P.S: Happy Fashion Week! xoxo